Install Safary script (self hosted)
Safary script guarantees privacy and security in Web3.
Last updated
Safary script guarantees privacy and security in Web3.
Last updated
To integrate your website with Safary, you need to update the front-end (HTML code) of the website you want to track.
To prioritize your site's security, Safary suggests adding our script's code in your site (i.e. self hosting it) instead of pointing to another domain to serve the code - this way you will not need to allow cross-domain scripts in your page.
First, once you have signed up, go to your Safary's home page ( and you will see under "Integrate Safary snippet" some code starting with <script product="prd_
For example, you should see something like:
Now click on the copy icon on the left of the code to copy the contents of the tracking script
Go to your front-end's HTML code, and simply paste (CTRL+V or CMD+V) the script's code within the <head> … </head>
tags of the pages you want to have tracking enabled.
For example, we suggest adding at least to both your landing page and your "app" page, which would have a "connect wallet" functionality.
That's it. Your Safary tracking script code will look something like this in your page:
<script product="prd_1234567890" referrerpolicy="origin" data-name="safary-sdk" async>(()=>{"use strict";function e(e){return e&&"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&e.constructor===Symbol?"symbol":typeof e}function t(t,n,r,a){if((n||void
If your site has Content Security Policy (CSP) enabled, you need to add the hash of the code above.
In Safary's home page (, you will see under "Integrate Safary snippet", a small section with the title:
"If you have a Content Security Policy (CSP) in your service - optional"
Click on that title to expand it, and you will see something like:
Finally, you need to add the directives in the place you implement CSP, which can vary.
For example, if you use Node.js with the Helmet package in your backend to setup CSP, the code above is exactly the one to be pasted in your backend.
On the other hand, if your CSP is setup using a <meta> tag in the front-end to include the policy, you can still use the hash in the <meta> tag. For example, using the hash above:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="script-src 'self' 'sha256-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'" connect-src 'self' ''">
Safary prioritizes security within the tracking script's infrastructure and has been implementing a number of security features. Below we give a few examples of what we have added (and we will continue to reinforce our security and add more features as we move forward).
Our domain has DNSSEC enabled with an authentication chain of trust and digitally signed DNS records.
We enforce HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Security) to protect visitors by ensuring that their browsers always connect to our domain over HTTPS.
Our web server automatically redirects visitors from HTTP to HTTPS on the same domain.
Our servers supports only secure TLS versions and also only the most up-to-date secure ciphers with enforcement of cipher order.
We include security headers in order to activate browser mechanisms to protect visitors against attacks involving, for example, cross-site scripting (XSS) or framing.
Our server is behind a firewall that explicitly blocks any path, body size, address or input that is different from the expected. The firewall also enforces important rules managed by AWS.
Our web server supports secure parameters for Diffie-Hellman key exchange and a secure hash function for key exchange. Moreover, we do not allow for client-initiated renegotiation.
We do not support HTTP nor TLS compression.
The trust chain of our website's certificate is complete and signed by a trusted root certificate authority.
All IP addresses of our web server have a route announcement that is matched by the published route authorisation (RPKI), which protects against various unintentional or malicious route configuration errors.
Our script sanitizes every string used in the front-end, avoiding code injection and related attacks.
With transparency, security and privacy in mind, the complete code of our Safary script will be made public, as our script will be open sourced in the next coming weeks.
In the meantime, below we share the source code of our Safary script in a single Typescript file, currently in version 0.1.13.
Click the arrow ( > ) in the box to expand the code:
type InternalTrackingObject = {
'trk-type': string;
'trk-name': string;
'trk-param': Record<string, unknown> | undefined;
type TrackParameters = {
eventType: string;
eventName: string;
parameters?: Record<string, unknown>;
type walletObject = {
address: string;
event: string;
type: string | null;
chainId: string | number | null;
type InfoObject = {
si: string;
pls: string;
sd: Record<string, string>;
plsd: Record<string, string>;
u: string;
r: string;
tag?: string;
fulltag?: Record<string, string>;
wa?: Array<walletObject>;
evt: string;
'evt-trk'?: InternalTrackingObject | null;
v: string;
time: string;
export function assertType<T>(
value: unknown,
required: boolean,
type: 'string' | 'number' | 'boolean' | 'object' | 'undefined' | 'symbol',
varName?: string,
): asserts value is T {
if ((required || typeof value !== 'undefined') && typeof value !== type) {
throw new Error(
`Assertion failed: Expected ${
varName ?? 'value'
} to be of type ${type} but received ${typeof value}`
export function assertUndefined<T>(
value: unknown,
varName?: string,
): asserts value is T {
if (typeof value === 'undefined') {
throw new Error(
`Assertion failed: Expected ${
varName ?? 'value'
} to exist but received undefined`
export class SafaryManager {
private readonly localItemName = '____sfry_anonymous'; // local item name
private sessionId: string = 'none'; // session id
private sessionData: Record<string, string> = {
sessionId: 'none',
private previousLocalStorageData: Record<string, string> = {
sessionId: 'n',
private currentWallets: Array<walletObject> = new Array<walletObject>();
private currentListenerWallets: Array<walletObject> = new Array<walletObject>();
process.env.SAFARY_BACKEND_ORIGIN ?? '';
process.env.npm_package_version ?? 'v0.0.0-dev';
private SAFARY_TAG;
private PRODUCT_ID;
private timeScriptLoaded = new Date().toISOString();
private pooling_active = false;
constructor(currentStagScript: HTMLOrSVGScriptElement | null = null) {
this.SAFARY_TAG = currentStagScript;
this.PRODUCT_ID = this.getProductID();
public async setup() {
try {
await this.setupSession();
// Wait for page load to see if all extensions have been loaded
window.onload = function() {
const lsEvent = new CustomEvent('fullPageFinishedLoadingSafary');
// Listen to the event
async () => {
// Attach tracking functions to window.safary
} catch (e) {
console.error('Error during Safary tag setup.');
public getProductID() {
let product_id_tag = this.SAFARY_TAG;
if (!product_id_tag) {
product_id_tag = window.document.querySelector(
if (product_id_tag) {
let product_id = product_id_tag?.getAttribute('data-product-id');
if (!product_id) {
const script_src = product_id_tag?.getAttribute('src');
if (script_src) {
const script_src_url = new URL(script_src);
product_id = script_src_url.searchParams.get('id');
if (product_id && SafaryManager.isValidProductID(product_id)) {
return product_id;
"ERROR: No valid product ID was found. Please contact Safary's support."
public getSessionID() {
return this.sessionId;
public getSessionData() {
return this.sessionData;
public static isValidProductID(productID: string) {
// it must be a string
if (typeof productID !== 'string') {
'ERROR: safary.isValidProductID(): the product ID must be a string.'
return false;
// it must have 14 characters
if (productID.length !== 14) {
'ERROR: safary.isValidProductID(): the product ID must have 14 characters.'
return false;
// it must start with 'prd_'
if (!productID.startsWith('prd_')) {
'ERROR: safary.isValidProductID(): the product ID must start with "prd_".'
return false;
// from character 4 to 14, it must be alphanumeric
const regex = /^[a-z0-9]+$/i;
const result = regex.test(productID.substring(4));
if (!result) {
'ERROR: safary.isValidProductID(): the product ID must be alphanumeric.'
return false;
return true;
public static isValidSessionID(sessionID: string) {
// it must be a string
if (typeof sessionID !== 'string') {
'ERROR: safary.isValidSessionID(): the session ID must be a string.'
return false;
// it must have 36 characters
if (sessionID.length !== 36) {
'ERROR: safary.isValidSessionID(): the session ID must have 36 characters.'
return false;
// it must be a valid UUID
const regex =
const result = regex.test(sessionID);
if (!result) {
'ERROR: safary.isValidSessionID(): the session ID must be a valid UUID.'
return false;
return true;
* Sets up the session.
* @remarks
* This method should only be used internally.
* @returns A promise that resolves once the session is set up.
private async setupSession() {
// Reads session info from Local Storage
const sls = window.localStorage.getItem(this.localItemName);
if (typeof sls !== 'undefined' && sls !== null && sls.length > 0) {
this.previousLocalStorageData = sls.startsWith('{')
? JSON.parse(sls)
: { sessionId: sls };
const localSessionID = this.previousLocalStorageData['sessionId'];
// If the session ID is valid, use it
if (SafaryManager.isValidSessionID(localSessionID)) {
this.sessionId = localSessionID;
this.sessionData = { sessionId: this.sessionId };
// Does not need to update Local Storage
// If no valid session ID was found, get a new one
if (this.sessionId === 'none') {
await this.getNewSession();
// Update Local Storage
* Retrieves a new session from the server.
* This method should only be used internally.
* @returns {Promise<void>} A promise that resolves when the session is retrieved successfully.
public async getNewSession() {
await fetch(
// Make sure we treat it as json, to avoid potential problems!
.then((response) => {
// check to see if there is json
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error('Network response was not ok');
return response.json();
.then((session) => {
if (
!SafaryManager.isValidSessionID(session.sessionId as string)
) {
throw new Error('Invalid session id');
} else {
this.sessionData = session;
this.sessionId = session.sessionId as string;
public async visit() {
try {
// Process Wallet and Send Data
await this.processWallet();
const infoObject = this.getInfoObject('vt'); // Script Event type ('vt' = visit, 'wl' = wallet)
await this.sendVisitData(infoObject);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error during Safary tag execution.');
private setupTrackingFunctions() {
// Create safary in window
if (typeof window.safary === 'undefined') {
window.safary = window.safary || {};
window.safary.track = this.track.bind(this);
window.safary.trackSwap = this.trackSwaps.bind(this);
window.safary.trackDeposit = this.trackDeposit.bind(this);
window.safary.trackWithdrawal = this.trackWithdrawal.bind(this);
window.safary.trackNFTPurchase = this.trackNFTPurchase.bind(this);
window.safary.products = [this.PRODUCT_ID];
} else {
if (!window.safary.products.includes(this.PRODUCT_ID)) {
public async track(params: TrackParameters) {
try {
assertType(params, true, 'object', 'params');
assertUndefined(params.eventType, 'eventType');
assertUndefined(params.eventName, 'eventName');
assertType(params.parameters, false, 'object', 'parameters');
} catch (e) {
'ERROR: safary.track(): there were some validation errors.'
let infoObject = this.getInfoObject('trk', {
'trk-type': params.eventType,
'trk-name': params.eventName,
'trk-param': params.parameters,
for(let product_id of window.safary.products){
infoObject['tag'] = product_id;
infoObject['fulltag'] = undefined;
await this.sendVisitData(infoObject);
// Get Info
private getInfoObject(
eventType: 'vt' | 'wl' | 'trk' = 'vt',
trackingObject?: InternalTrackingObject
): InfoObject {
const validUrl = this.isEmptyOrValidStart(window.location.href, false);
const validReferrer = this.isEmptyOrValidStart(window.document.referrer, true);
const tagAttr: Record<string, string> = {};
if (this.SAFARY_TAG) {
Array.from(this.SAFARY_TAG.attributes).forEach(attr => {
tagAttr[] = attr.value;
if(validUrl && validReferrer){
return {
si: this.sessionId,
pls: this.previousLocalStorageData['sessionId'],
sd: this.sessionData,
plsd: this.previousLocalStorageData,
u: window.location.href,
r: window.document.referrer,
tag: this.PRODUCT_ID,
fulltag: Object.keys(tagAttr).length > 0 ? tagAttr : undefined,
this.currentWallets.length > 0
? this.currentWallets
: undefined,
evt: eventType, // Script Event type ('vt' = visit, 'wl' = wallet, 'trk' = tracking)
'evt-trk': trackingObject ?? null,
eventType == 'vt'
? this.timeScriptLoaded
: new Date().toISOString(),
else {
console.error('ERROR in Safary tag: Invalid URL or Referrer.');
throw new Error(`Invalid URL or Referrer. URL: ${window.location.href} Referrer: ${window.document.referrer}`);
// Validate URLs
public isEmptyOrValidStart(s: string, canBeEmpty: boolean = false) {
if (typeof s === 'undefined' || s === null) {
return canBeEmpty;
if(typeof s !== 'string'){
return false;
if(canBeEmpty && s.length === 0){
return true;
return /^[A-Za-z0-9]/.test(s);
// Send the data to Safary's backend for processing
private async sendVisitData(infoObject: InfoObject) {
if (typeof infoObject.tag === 'undefined') {
"ERROR: No valid product ID was found. Please contact Safary's support."
const backend_url = `${this.SAFARY_BACKEND_ORIGIN}/sfry/?id=${infoObject.tag}`;
return fetch(backend_url, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
body: JSON.stringify({ v: infoObject }),
// Set wallet type
private setWalletType(provider: any) {
const mapping = {
isBraveWallet: 'Brave',
isBitKeep: 'Bitget',
isPhantom: 'Phantom',
isCoinbaseWallet: 'Coinbase',
isMetaMask: 'MetaMask',
// here only because typescript doesn't allow typing for in loops
let key: keyof typeof mapping;
for (key in mapping) {
if (provider[key]) {
return mapping[key];
return 'Unknown';
// Process Ethereum Provider
private async addWalletFromProvider(provider: any) {
try {
if (
provider &&
) {
const provider_chainId = provider?.chainId ?? await provider?.request({
method: 'eth_chainId',
return [
} catch (e) {
console.error('Error in Safary tag when adding Wallet From Provider.');
return [];
private getEthereumProvider() {
if (typeof window.phantom === 'undefined') {
return window.ethereum;
} else {
if (
typeof window.ethereum !== 'undefined' &&
typeof window.ethereum.detected !== 'undefined' &&
window.ethereum.detected.length > 0
) {
return window.ethereum.detected[0];
} else {
return window.phantom.ethereum;
// Process Wallet + Wallet Type + Wallet Chain
private async processWallet() {
if (typeof window.ethereum !== 'undefined') {
const provider = this.getEthereumProvider();
// Accounts Before: previously authorized wallets: Not a different 'evt', as the user is not effectively signing up
const ac_bf: string[] = await provider.request({
method: 'eth_accounts',
if (typeof ac_bf !== 'undefined' && ac_bf.length > 0) {
const chainId = await provider.request({
method: 'eth_chainId',
ac_bf.forEach((element) => {
address: element,
event: 'eth_accounts',
type: null,
chainId: chainId,
// Ethereum
const walletFromETH = await this.processEthereum();
if (walletFromETH.length > 0) {
walletFromETH.forEach((element) => {
if (element.length > 0) {
address: element[0],
event: 'eth_accounts__eth',
type: element[1],
chainId: element[2],
// OKX Wallet - ALL
if (typeof window.okxwallet !== 'undefined') {
// Accounts Before: previously authorized wallets: Not a different 'evt', as the user is not effectively signing up
const okxWallets: {chainId: string, address: string}[] = await this.getOKXwallets();
if (typeof okxWallets !== 'undefined' && okxWallets.length > 0) {
okxWallets.forEach((element) => {
address: element.address,
event: 'accounts',
type: 'OKX Wallet',
chainId: element.chainId,
// BitKeep
if (typeof window.bitkeep !== 'undefined'){
const bitgetWallets: {address: string, network: string}[] = [];
// Bitcoin via Unisat
if(typeof window.bitkeep.unisat !== 'undefined') {
while(typeof window.bitkeep.unisat._initialized === 'undefined' || !window.bitkeep.unisat._initialized){
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 5));
const btkpWallets: {address: string, network: string}[] = window.bitkeep.unisat.identities;
// Ton
if(typeof window.bitkeep.ton !== 'undefined') {
while(typeof window.bitkeep.ton._initialized === 'undefined' || !window.bitkeep.ton._initialized){
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 5));
const btkpWallets: {address: string, network: string}[] = window.bitkeep.ton.identities;
const chainId = window.bitkeep.ton.chainId;
btkpWallets.forEach((element) => {
bitgetWallets.push({address: element.address, network: `Ton ${chainId}`});
// Solana
if(typeof window.bitkeep.solana !== 'undefined') {
while(typeof window.bitkeep.solana._initialized === 'undefined' || !window.bitkeep.solana._initialized){
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 5));
const solAddress = window.bitkeep.solana.publicKey?.toString();
const solNetwork =;
if(typeof solAddress !== 'undefined' && solAddress.trim() !== ''){
bitgetWallets.push({address: solAddress, network: `Solana ${solNetwork}`});
// Aptos
if(typeof window.bitkeep.aptos !== 'undefined') {
while(typeof window.bitkeep.aptos._initialized === 'undefined' || !window.bitkeep.aptos._initialized){
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 5));
const aptosWallets: {address: string, network: string} = window.bitkeep.aptos._state;
if(typeof aptosWallets !== 'undefined' && aptosWallets.address.trim() !== ''){
bitgetWallets.push({address: aptosWallets.address, network: `Aptos ${}`});
// Starknet
if(typeof window.starknet_bitkeep !== 'undefined') {
while(typeof window.starknet_bitkeep._initialized === 'undefined' || !window.starknet_bitkeep._initialized){
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 5));
const starknetWallets: {address: string, chainId: string} = window.starknet_bitkeep._state;
if(typeof starknetWallets !== 'undefined' && starknetWallets.address.trim() !== ''){
const starknetChainDict: Record<string, string> = this.getStarknetchainDict();
const chainId = starknetChainDict[starknetWallets.chainId || '']
bitgetWallets.push({address: starknetWallets.address, network: chainId});
if (typeof bitgetWallets !== 'undefined' && bitgetWallets.length > 0) {
bitgetWallets.forEach((element) => {
address: element.address,
event: 'accounts',
type: 'Bitget',
// Unisat standalone for Bitcoin
if (typeof window.unisat !== 'undefined' &&
(typeof window.unisat.isBitKeep === 'undefined' ||
!window.unisat.isBitKeep)) {
// Accounts Before: previously authorized wallets: Not a different 'evt', as the user is not effectively signing up
const unisatWallets: string[] = await window.unisat.getAccounts();
const unisatNetwork = await window.unisat.getNetwork() ?? 'Unknown';
if (typeof unisatWallets !== 'undefined' && unisatWallets.length > 0) {
unisatWallets.forEach((element) => {
address: element,
event: 'accounts',
type: 'UniSat',
chainId: unisatNetwork,
// Wallet Connect
const walletFromWC = await this.handleWalletConnect({ key: 'SAFARY_VISIT', value: '' });
if (walletFromWC.length > 0) {
walletFromWC.forEach((element) => {
if (element.address !== null) {
public setupOKXWalletListeners() {
// Check if okxwallet is on the window object
if (typeof window.okxwallet === 'undefined') {
window.__defineSetter__('okxwallet', this.setupOKXWalletListeners);
// OKX Wallet
window.okxwallet.on('connectWallet', async () => {
const okxWallets: {chainId: string, address: string}[] = await this.getOKXwallets();
// Add all wallets returned by event
const wallets: Array<walletObject> = new Array<walletObject>();
if (typeof okxWallets !== 'undefined' && okxWallets.length > 0) {
okxWallets.forEach((element) => {
address: element.address,
event: 'accountsChanged',
type: 'OKX Wallet',
chainId: element.chainId,
// if wa is not empty, send data
public setupBitgetWalletListeners() {
// Check if bitkeep is on the window object
if (typeof window.bitkeep === 'undefined') {
window.__defineSetter__('bitkeep', this.setupBitgetWalletListeners);
// Bitcoin via Unisat
if(typeof window.bitkeep.unisat !== 'undefined') {
// accountsChanged
window.bitkeep.unisat.on('accountsChanged', async (accounts: string[]) => {
const wallets: Array<walletObject> = new Array<walletObject>();
const chainId = await;
accounts.forEach((element) => {
address: element,
event: 'accountsChanged',
type: 'Bitget',
chainId: chainId,
// networkChanged
window.bitkeep.unisat.on('networkChanged', async (network: string) => {
const wallets: Array<walletObject> = new Array<walletObject>();
address: 'Unknown', // To avoid being removed during data processing
event: 'accountsChanged',
type: 'Bitget',
chainId: network,
// Ton
if(typeof window.bitkeep.ton !== 'undefined') {
// accountsChanged
window.bitkeep.ton.on('accountsChanged', async (accounts: string[]) => {
const wallets: Array<walletObject> = new Array<walletObject>();
const chainId = window.bitkeep.ton.chainId;
accounts.forEach((element) => {
address: element,
event: 'accountsChanged',
type: 'Bitget',
chainId: `Ton ${chainId}`,
// chainChanged
window.bitkeep.ton.on('chainChanged', async (chainId: string) => {
const wallets: Array<walletObject> = new Array<walletObject>();
address: 'Unknown', // To avoid being removed during data processing
event: 'chainChanged',
type: 'Bitget',
chainId: `Ton ${chainId}`,
// Solana
if(typeof window.bitkeep.solana !== 'undefined') {
// connect
window.bitkeep.solana.on('connect', async (publicKey: string) => {
const wallets: Array<walletObject> = new Array<walletObject>();
const network =;
address: publicKey.toString(),
event: 'accountsChanged',
type: 'Bitget',
chainId: `Solana ${network}`,
// Aptos
if(typeof window.bitkeep.aptos !== 'undefined') {
// accountChanged
window.bitkeep.aptos.onAccountChange(async (account: {address: string}) => {
var wallets: Array<walletObject> = new Array<walletObject>();
const network = await;
address: account.address,
event: 'accountsChanged',
type: 'Bitget',
chainId: `Aptos ${network}`,
// networkChange
window.bitkeep.aptos.onNetworkChange((network: string) => {
var wallets: Array<walletObject> = new Array<walletObject>();
address: 'Unknown', // To avoid being removed during data processing
event: 'chainChanged',
type: 'Bitget',
chainId: `Aptos ${network}`,
// Starknet
if(typeof window.starknet_bitkeep !== 'undefined') {
const starknetChainDict: Record<string, string> = this.getStarknetchainDict();
// accountsChanged
window.starknet_bitkeep.on('accountsChanged', async (ac: string[]) => {
var out_wallets: Array<walletObject> = new Array<walletObject>();
const chainId = starknetChainDict[window.starknet_bitkeep.chainId || '']
ac.forEach(async (element) => {
address: element,
event: 'accountsChanged',
type: 'Bitget',
chainId: chainId,
// networkChanged
window.starknet_argentX.on('networkChanged', async (ac: string[]) => {
var out_wallets: Array<walletObject> = new Array<walletObject>();
ac.forEach(async (element) => {
address: 'Unknown', // To avoid being removed during data processing
event: 'chainChanged',
type: 'Bitget',
chainId: starknetChainDict[element || ''],
// Unisat standalone for Bitcoin
public setupUniSatWalletListeners() {
// Check if unisat is on the window object
if (typeof window.unisat === 'undefined') {
window.__defineSetter__('unisat', this.setupUniSatWalletListeners);
else {
if(typeof window.unisat.isBitKeep === 'undefined' || !window.unisat.isBitKeep){
// accountsChanged
window.unisat.on('accountsChanged', async (accounts: string[]) => {
const wallets: Array<walletObject> = new Array<walletObject>();
const unisatNetwork = await window.unisat.getNetwork() ?? 'Unknown';
accounts.forEach((element) => {
address: element,
event: 'accountsChanged',
type: 'UniSat',
chainId: unisatNetwork,
// networkChanged
window.unisat.on('networkChanged', async (network: string) => {
const wallets: Array<walletObject> = new Array<walletObject>();
address: 'Unknown', // To avoid being removed during data processing
event: 'accountsChanged',
type: 'UniSat',
chainId: network,
public async getOKXwallets(){
const defaultAddress = window.okxwallet.selectedAddress;
const defaultChainId = window.okxwallet.chainId;
let uniqueList = [];
let seenAddresses = new Set();
// if not null
if(typeof defaultAddress !== 'undefined' && defaultAddress !== null && defaultAddress.trim() !== ''){
chainId: defaultChainId,
address: defaultAddress
const allWallets = await window.okxwallet.requestWallets();
if(allWallets.length === 0){
return uniqueList;
const originalArray = allWallets[0].address;
for (let element of originalArray) {
if (element.address.trim() !== '' && !seenAddresses.has(element.address)) {
chainId: element.chainId,
address: element.address
return uniqueList;
private async processEthereum() {
const ethWallets = [];
// Get wallet in the window.ethereum.providers
if (typeof window.ethereum.providers !== 'undefined') {
// For each value, key in providers
async (value: { selectedAddress: any; chainId: any }) => {
ethWallets.push(await this.addWalletFromProvider(value));
// This is set by Coinbase, if we go to window.ethereum in this case, we get MetaMask as wallet type
if (typeof window.ethereum.selectedProvider !== 'undefined') {
await this.addWalletFromProvider(
} else {
await this.addWalletFromProvider(this.getEthereumProvider())
return ethWallets;
public setupEthereumListeners() {
// Check if ethereum is on the window object
if (typeof window.ethereum === 'undefined') {
window.__defineSetter__('ethereum', this.setupEthereumListeners);
// Listen for accounts changed
window.ethereum.on('accountsChanged', async (ac: string[]) => {
// Add all wallets returned by event to eth_wallets
var eth_wallets: Array<walletObject> = new Array<walletObject>();
if (!Array.isArray(ac)) {
ac = [ac];
const chainId = await window.ethereum.request({
method: 'eth_chainId',
ac.forEach(async (element) => {
address: element,
event: 'accountsChanged',
type: null,
chainId: chainId,
// Ethereum: To get type and chain
const walletFromETH = await this.processEthereum();
walletFromETH.forEach((element) => {
if (element[0] !== null && element[0] !== undefined) {
address: element[0],
event: 'eth_accounts__eth_listener',
type: element[1],
chainId: element[2],
// if wa is not empty, send data
// Listen for chain changed
window.ethereum.on('chainChanged', async (ac: string[]) => {
// Add all wallets returned by event to eth_wallets
var eth_wallets: Array<walletObject> = new Array<walletObject>();
if (!Array.isArray(ac)) {
ac = [ac];
ac.forEach(async (element) => {
address: 'Unknown', // To avoid being removed during data processing
event: 'chainChanged',
type: null,
chainId: element,
// if wa is not empty, send data
public setupPhantomSolanaListeners() {
// Check if ethereum is on the window object
if (typeof window.phantom === 'undefined') {
window.__defineSetter__('phantom', this.setupPhantomSolanaListeners);
// Phantom - SOLANA
window.phantom.solana.on('connect', async (body: any) => {
// Add all wallets returned by event to eth_wallets
var sol_wallets: Array<walletObject> = new Array<walletObject>();
// Add one wallet
address: body.toString(),
event: 'accountsChanged',
type: 'Phantom',
chainId: 'Solana',
// if wa is not empty, send data
private is_atomscan(wallet_or_chain: string) {
var chn = ['agoric', 'aioz', 'akash', 'archway', 'mantle', 'axelar', 'band',
'bze', 'bcna', 'bitsong', 'bostrom', 'canto', 'swth', 'c4e', 'cheqd',
'chihuahua', 'comdex', 'cosmos', 'cre', 'cro', 'cudos', 'decentr',
'desmos', 'emoney', 'echelon', 'ethos', 'evmos', 'fetch', 'firma',
'genesis', 'gravity', 'idep', 'inj', 'iaa', 'ixo', 'juno', 'kava',
'ki', 'darc', 'kujira', 'lamb', 'like', 'lum', 'lumen', 'panacea',
'meme', 'migaloo', 'omniflix', 'orai', 'osmo', 'pasg', 'persistence',
'plq', 'point', 'pb', 'rebus', 'regen', 'rizon', 'secret', 'sent',
'shentu', 'sif', 'somm', 'stafi', 'stars', 'star', 'stride', 'tori',
'terra', 'umee', 'und', 'vdl']
if (!wallet_or_chain) {
return false;
// Check if wallet starts with any of the values in chn
return chn.some(c => wallet_or_chain.startsWith(c));
public setupAptosAndAtomListeners() {
window.addEventListener("message", (event: any) => {
// Petra
if(event?.data?.type === 'PetraApiResponse'){
var atom_wallets: Array<walletObject> = new Array<walletObject>();
// chainChanged
address: 'Unknown', // To avoid being removed during data processing
event: 'chainChanged',
type: 'Petra',
chainId: `Aptos ${event?.data?.result?.name}`,
else if(event?.data?.result?.address){
// new connection
address: event?.data?.result?.address,
event: 'accountsChanged',
type: 'Petra',
chainId: null,
// if wa is not empty, send data
// Keplr - chainId
else if(event?.data?.type === 'proxy-request' && event?.data?.method === 'getKey'){
var chainId = event?.data?.args[0]
var atom_wallets: Array<walletObject> = new Array<walletObject>();
// chainChanged
address: 'Unknown', // To avoid being removed during data processing
event: 'chainChanged',
type: 'Keplr',
chainId: chainId,
// if wa is not empty, send data
// Keplr - wallet
else if(event?.data?.type === 'proxy-request-response'){
var wallet = event?.data?.result?.return?.bech32Address
var atom_wallets: Array<walletObject> = new Array<walletObject>();
// new connection
address: wallet,
event: 'accountsChanged',
type: 'Keplr',
chainId: null,
// if wa is not empty, send data
// Leap - chainId
else if(event?.data?.target === 'leap:content' && event?.data?.data?.type === 'enable-access'){
var chainId = event?.data?.data?.chainIds[0]
var atom_wallets: Array<walletObject> = new Array<walletObject>();
// chainChanged
address: 'Unknown', // To avoid being removed during data processing
event: 'chainChanged',
type: 'Leap',
chainId: chainId,
// if wa is not empty, send data
// Leap - wallet
else if(event?.data?.target === 'leap:inpage' && === 'onGET-KEY'){
var wallet = event?.data?.data?.payload?.key?.bech32Address
var atom_wallets: Array<walletObject> = new Array<walletObject>();
// new connection
address: wallet,
event: 'accountsChanged',
type: 'Leap',
chainId: null,
// if wa is not empty, send data
// Check if aptos is on the window object
if (typeof window.aptos !== 'undefined') {
window.aptos.onAccountChange((newAccount: { address: string }) => {
var aptos_wallets: Array<walletObject> = new Array<walletObject>();
// Changed account
address: newAccount?.address,
event: 'accountsChanged',
type: 'Petra',
chainId: null,
// if wa is not empty, send data
window.aptos.onNetworkChange((newNetwork: { name: string }) => {
var aptos_wallets: Array<walletObject> = new Array<walletObject>();
// Changed network
address: 'Unknown', // To avoid being removed during data processing
event: 'accountsChanged',
type: 'Petra',
chainId: `Aptos ${newNetwork?.name}`,
// if wa is not empty, send data
public setupStarknetListeners() {
const starknetChainDict: Record<string, string> = this.getStarknetchainDict();
// Argent X
if (typeof window.starknet_argentX !== 'undefined') {
// Listen for accounts changed
window.starknet_argentX.on('accountsChanged', async (ac: string[]) => {
// Add all wallets returned by event to out_wallets
var out_wallets: Array<walletObject> = new Array<walletObject>();
if (!Array.isArray(ac)) {
ac = [ac];
const walletType =;